Online Visual Studio Code

Use the tools you love

  1. Online Visual Studio Code Run
  2. Online Visual Studio Code Editor

Connect to your codespaces from your browser or Visual Studio Code.

Install Visual Studio Code and download the Live Share extension pack from the marketplace. The extension pack will provide you with our audio support for interviews. To have the best experience of interviewing using Live Share in VS Code, make sure to turn on the Live Share insiders feature flag.

  1. For Studio Code install PowerShell Extension which provides PowerShell language support for Visual Studio Code. Once SharePoint Online Client Components SDK is installed, you can write and debug SharePoint PowerShell scripts using Visual Studio Code.
  2. Visual Studio Codespaces (formerly Visual Studio Online) provides cloud-hosted development environments for any activity - whether it's a long-term project, or a short-term task like reviewing a pull request. You can create a new Codespace through Visual Studio.
  3. Go to Definitions, and other Visual Studio Code features just work. Hot reloading as you type. Tweak your app in real time without page reloads while preserving your app state. Import NPM packages. Import any NPM package into your project quicker than on local. Keep editing while offline.

Simplify your workflow

Automatically set up dependencies and SSH keys. Go from code to commit faster on any project.

Extend and customize

Configure your editor with dotfiles and extensions to create a consistent environment in every codespace.

With your development in the cloud, you can contribute code from any device.

Contribute to projects without complicating your local setup. Spin up dev environments with a click—even for projects you haven't worked on before—and switch between them with ease.

Codespaces is available in beta. Add yourself to our early-access list to be one of the first to use it.

Request early access

Is Codespaces available to everyone?

Online Visual Studio Code Run

Codespaces will be available to a small group of GitHub users while in limited beta. Over time, more users will have access to the beta based on availability and sign up date.

How do I start using Codespaces?

If you’re in the Codespaces beta, you’ll see a “Code” button in the Code tab of all supported repositories.

Is Codespaces available for all repositories?

While in limited beta, Codespaces will be available for repositories you own and public repositories. Additional support will be available as the beta progresses, but for now, Codespaces will not be available for private repositories that belong to organizations.

Can I leave a codespace open?

When you create a codespace, you can leave it open for as long as you wish but it will suspend automatically after 30 minutes of inactivity. You can reconnect at any time through Codespaces in the browser or VS Code.

CodeOnline visual studio code

What if I don’t want to develop in a browser?

If you prefer, you can open a codespace in GitHub and then connect to it in VS Code.

How much does Codespaces cost?

For more about Codespaces pricing, see our documentation. Codespaces is free during the limited beta.

How is Codespaces different from VS Code?

Codespaces sets up a cloud-hosted, containerized, and customizable VS Code environment. After set up, you can connect to a codespace through the browser or through VS Code.

How can I configure a codespace?

Inside of a codespace, you’ll have access to the Visual Studio Code Marketplace, and you can preload any extensions you want loaded at launch using a devcontainer configuration file. You can also personalize your codespace by pulling in dotfiles.

Visual Studio Codespaces (formerly Visual Studio Online) provides cloud-hosted development environments for any activity - whether it's a long-term project, or a short-term task like reviewing a pull request. You can create a new Codespace through Visual Studio Codespaces or by signing up for the GitHub beta. You can connect to Codespaces from Visual Studio Code, Visual Studio (sign up for the Private Preview), or a browser-based editor that's accessible anywhere! You can even connect your own self-hosted environments to Visual Studio Codespaces at no cost.

Additionally, Visual Studio Codespaces brings many of the benefits of DevOps, like repeatability and reliability, which have typically been reserved for production workloads, to development environments. However, Visual Studio Codespaces is also personaliazable to allow developers to leverage the tools, processes and configurations that they have come to love and rely on - truly the best of both worlds!

Getting Started

  • Visual Studio Codespaces: Instructions for getting started with this Visual Studio Code extension are available in our documentation.

  • Codespaces in GitHub: First sign up for the beta and then follow the instructions for getting started.

More Information

Online Visual Studio Code Editor

  • Announcing Visual Studio Codespaces Public Preview (Blog Post)
  • Report a Problem (Issue Tracker)