Dbeaver Heidisql

DBeaver Overview. DBeaver is a free, open source multiplatform database management tool and SQL client for developers and database administrators. DBeaver can be used to access any database or cloud application that has an ODBC or JDBC driver, such as Oracle, SQL. HeidiSQL is free software, and has the aim to be easy to learn. 'Heidi' lets you see and edit data and structures from computers running one of the database systems MariaDB, MySQL, Microsoft SQL, PostgreSQL and SQLite. Invented in 2002 by Ansgar, HeidiSQL belongs to the most popular tools for MariaDB and MySQL worldwide.

HeidiSQL is free software, and has the aim to be easy to learn. 'Heidi' lets you see and edit data and structures from computers running one of the database systems MariaDB, MySQL, Microsoft SQL, PostgreSQL and SQLite. Invented in 2002 by Ansgar, HeidiSQL belongs to the most popular tools for MariaDB and MySQL worldwide.

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  • 27 Mar Comparison of PostgreSQL GUIs

    Thanks to Kristi Anderson and Madan Kumar from scalegrid.io for publishing a feature overview of some of the available PostgreSQL clients. The article is from 2019, but HeidiSQL is new in this comp ...

  • 24 Jan HeidiSQL 11.2 with support for check constraints and CSV layout detection

    Get it from the download page3rd party updates:update VCL Styles Utils codeget latest bugfixes for VirtualTrees componentupgrade installer compilation to InnoSetup v6.1.2plink.exe update to ...

  • 02 Nov HeidiSQL 11.1 released

    Grab it from the download page3rd party updates:move to new Delphi v10.4 Sydney compilership plink.exe v0.73 by installing HeidiSQL, so users don't have to download ituse smaller libmariadb.d ...

  • 07 Sep 'HeidiSQL - Made with Delphi' webinar available

    Letzten Mittwoch sprach ich mit Matthias Eissing von Embarcadero über Delphi und HeidiSQL.Agenda:Woher kommt HeidiSQL?Warum Delphi?FeaturesPläne für die Zukunft'dies und das'Und hier d ...

  • 17 Mar HeidiSQL 11.0 with SQLite support

    Grab it from the download pageNew features and enhancements in this version:Support connecting to SQLite database filesdrop schema support for PostgreSQLsupport foreign keys in PostgreSQLsup ...

  • Free for everyone, OpenSource
  • Connect to multiple servers in one window
  • Supported database systems: MariaDB, MySQL, MS SQL, PostgreSQL and SQLite
  • Connect via SSH tunnel, or pass SSL settings
  • Create and edit tables, views, stored routines, triggers and scheduled events.
  • Generate nice SQL-exports, compress these afterwards, or put them on the clipboard.
  • Export from one server/database directly to another server/database
  • Bulk edit tables (move to db, change engine, collation etc.)
  • Pretty reformat disordered SQL
  • Launch a parallel mysql.exe command line window using your current connection settings
  • And much more

HeidiSQL users with enabled statistics feature work on these servers:

Dbeaver Heidisql

The author: Ansgar Becker
Summer 2015 in Egmond aan Zee, duinreservaat.
On holiday with my wife and two kids.

Dbeaver Vs Heidisql

Ads were blocked - no problem. But keep in mind that developing HeidiSQL, user support and hosting takes time and money. You may want to send a donation instead.

I have run WAMP on mp PC and all worked fine with connecting to local host at

I've installed a LAMP server on a Raspberry PI and when I point my browser to the IP address, I have to click on the PHPMYADMIN folder to find the DB login.

From what I see when I try and connect to XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX/phpmyadmin/ I get an error. Do I change Heidi's settings or change the way the Raspberry Pi is setup.

I'm new to this.


Thanks Wallace.

In HeidiSQL you need to enter the IP address of your Raspberry PI server, not the url to your Apache document root.

Like most things, its easy when you have done it before. (Maybe not exercise)

I have had this running some 2 years ago but the PI crashed and I'm setting the system up again.

My Pi is at address XX.XX.XX.06 on my network.

Dbeaver heidisql

The message I get is Can't connect to MySQl server on 'xx.xx.xx.6' (10061)

Dbeaver Heidisql

If I go to my browser on the remote PC, the address is valid and I can see the PHPMYAdmin folder. I can login with PHPMyAdmin on the remote machine.

The problem I have is I'm not sure what the key words are to do a web search for a solution.

The host machine is Linux so I cant test Heidi on that machine.

I would first check your Windows Firewall, because HeidiSQL needs the MySQL port open (normally 3306). While port 80 and 443 for http/s is open by default, others need to be opened manually.

I think you are correct in that 3306 is not open. The MYSQL.cnf file has no lines of code in it. From what I have read, it should have some parameters for the ports. I have posted the question on the Linux forum.

Thanks for the help.

If there is 'Port=xyz' line in your mysql.cnf, then the default of 3306 applies.

Although not strictly MYSQL, can you please help me understand connecting to one. The difficulty is that I cant connect but there are many reasons for that and each one is a whole subject on its own.

I did have this running a few years back, but the install program back then must have set up everything automatically as it worked out the box.

Here are my thoughts. is the local host address.

1: Is the 3306 a port that connects the DB to (Settings in mysql.cnf or similar)

2: I presume that the server needs to open this address to be accessed externally. (Settings in mysql.cnf or similar)

3: Is remote access to DBs on the server related to each DBs or the complete MYSQL system. If each db then sql commands to set it, if not in mysql.cnf.

4: Do I need to allow remotes IP address to be known to the server. Something like*

Judging by the number of hits you get googling Connect to MYSQL, this is real issues with 'many' solutions but each only seems to address on aspect of the whole process.

Cheers Wallace.

some things which might help you:

  • Ensure your (Windows) firewall lets your heidisql.exe connect through port 3306 to any ip address. This was quite often the issue for others and me, so you should really check that if you still get 'Can't connect..'
  • The ip on the server to which you connect is not - this is a special local ip address, only valid when you connect to a service within the same computer. You said your Raspi is at address XX.XX.XX.06 - use that in HeidiSQL's 'Hostname/IP' field.
  • You can restrict access of each DB on the server differently, by creating one user per DB, but you don't need to. If this is some small home server, I recommend using one user with a good password and access to everything.
  • You should create that user once using phpMyAdmin on your webbrowser, and fire such a batch of commands:
  • note the ip after the @ is yours on the client computer, not on the server.

There may be one or two additional things to set up, but you could just do this first and report back whether you can connect through HeidiSQL afterwards.

I use a DB on Crazydomains daily with my Delphi program and Heidi - myregister.co.nz Port 3306. Heid has no issues so I assume the firewall is ok.

I use XX.XX.XX.6 in Heidi and Port 3306 - error Cant connect 10061

I can login into the PI SQL on my PC using the web and PHPMYADMIN. So I do have access.

Ran your code, no errors.

Same error Cant connect 10061.

See attached screen. Top heading says Server localhost:3306. Is that correct? My Win7 pc is connected to the PI.

The install is from here.

Dbeaver Vs Heidisql

I'm loosing faith the the LAMP installation. I have already had to make some changes to the MYSQL files to fix import and export errors. Followed instruction on the web.


What beer do you drink ??

This may help identify the problem. From the web - Stackoverflow

For anyone else who is hosting the MySQL on a Raspberry Pi 3 the file you are looking for is inetc/mysql/mariadb.conf.d/50-server.cnfComment out'#'bind-address = (have to use quotes as web sees this as a bold directive)

If I do that and restart the PI, I get 'my IP address is not allowed to connect to this MariaDB server' with Heidi.However, I can still access the db from my machine via a web interface.

So my machine is definitely trying to connect but the Pi is refusing the connection using Heidi.

Dbeaver Vs Heidisql Reddit

I can connet with putty xx.xx.xx.6 port 80 and have full access so that means firewall eyc ok.

Oops not port 80 should be 22

Tried this and added a new user.


Finally can login and have access to all the tables with my new user name.

Wasn't that what I wrote above already?

Anyway, glad you can connect now.

Thanks for the reply.

Not quite, I created a new user (not root) and then it worked. Still cant long in with root and the password, but can through the browser.

Somethings wrong with root.

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